RFT is designed to work within a local community's established infrastructure and add value to existing programs- we are primarily a "value added program". While our academic and experiential programs can stand alone, they are more effective embedded within a school or Community Based Organization (CBO).
While our programming focuses on customized academic enrichment, remediation, or credit recovery or one week college experiences to inspire each participant, RFT is not capable at present to work with one family or youth at a time.
Our modules rely on individual youth being a part of a larger group so we take advantage of economies of scale in terms of mentors and instructors as well as during college programs. To our readers who are looking for a unique summer experience for their children, we suggest introducing RFT to a local CBO or school based program in your community.
Our modules rely on individual youth being a part of a larger group so we take advantage of economies of scale in terms of mentors and instructors as well as during college programs. To our readers who are looking for a unique summer experience for their children, we suggest introducing RFT to a local CBO or school based program in your community.